My personal notes

Shared Responsibility Model

There are some responsibilities to take into account when building a server factory, such as:

  • physical space (buildings, electricity, hardware)
  • maintenance
  • replacing components
  • physical security
  • network connectivity

With the Shared Responsibility Model, these responsibilities get shared between the cloud provider and the consumer.

Cloud providers are responsible for the infrastructure of the datacenter: physical security, cooling, building access, and maintenance.

Clients are responsible for the data (both the security and the correctness).

Depending on the cloud service model, responsibilities are shared in a different way between cloud vendor and client:

Shared Responsibility

  • [[iaas]] places most of the responsibility on the consumer; the cloud vendor is only responsible for physical security and connectivity;
  • [[saas]] places most of the responsibilities on the cloud vendor;
  • [[paas]] is in the middle.
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