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Block Blobs

Block blobs store text and binary data. Block blobs are made up of blocks of data that can be managed individually. Block blobs can store up to about 190.7 [[TiB]].

They are one of the possible ways to use [[azure-blob-storage]].

Block blobs are optimized for uploading large amounts of data efficiently.

Block blobs are composed of blocks, each of which is identified by a block ID. A block blob can include up to 50,000 blocks. Each block in a block blob can be a different size, up to the maximum size permitted for the service version in use.

To create or modify a block blob, write a set of blocks via the Put Block operation and then commit the blocks to a blob with the Put Block List operation. When you upload a block to a blob in your storage account, it is associated with the specified block blob, but it does not become part of the blob until you commit a list of blocks that includes the new block's ID. This allows you to upload blocks in parallel to optimize upload time.

Each blob can have custom [[azure-blob-metadata]] (returned as HTTP Headers) and some [[Blob Index Tags]].

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