My personal notes

Azure Functions vs Azure Logic apps

Both [[azure-functions]] and [[azure-logic-apps]] are Azure Services that enable serverless workloads.

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service, whereas Azure Logic Apps is a serverless workflow integration platform.

Both can create complex orchestrations. For Azure Functions you develop orchestrations by writing code that use the [[azure-durable-functions]] extension.

For Logic Apps, you use the GUI or edit the configuration files to orchestrate Actions.

Azure FunctionsLogic Apps
DevelopmentCode-first (imperative)Designer-first (declarative)
ConnectivityAbout a dozen built-in binding types, write code for custom bindingsLarge collection of connectors, Enterprise Integration Pack for B2B scenarios, build custom connectors
ActionsEach activity is an Azure function; write code for activity functionsLarge collection of ready-made actions
MonitoringAzure Application InsightsAzure portal, Azure Monitor logs
ManagementREST API, Visual StudioAzure portal, REST API, PowerShell, Visual Studio
Execution contextRuns in Azure, or locallyRuns in Azure, locally, or on premises
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