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Azure Data Box

Azure Data Box is a physical migration service that helps transfer large amounts of data in a quick, inexpensive, and reliable way.

You can transfer up to 80TBs in one migration. It's ideal to migrate at least 40TBs.

You order from Azure Portal a secure box in a rugged case with an hard drive. Then you will migrate your data to that drive and return it to Microsoft. Once Microsoft receives the Data Box back, they will handle the migration to your cloud account.

It's ideal for onetime migrations, when you have a large amount of on-premises data to move to Azure.

You can migrate plain data or even VM farms, SQL server instances, and other applications.

You can use it to periodically migrate offline data to Azure.

Azure Data Box can also be used for migrating data from Azure: it can be useful for distaster recovery scenarios or if you need exported data for security reasons.

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