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Stored Access Policies

A stored access policy provides an extra level of control over service-level [[shared-access-signatures]] on the server side.

With stored access policy you can group SAS and provides more restrictions for signatures that bound by the policy.

You can use a stored access policy to change the start time, expiry time, or permissions for a signature, or to revoke it after it is issued.

Stored Access Policies are supported by Blob containers, File shares, Queues, Tables.

To create or modify a stored access policy, call the Set ACL operation for the resource (see Set Container ACL, Set Queue ACL, Set Table ACL, or Set Share ACL) with a request body that specifies the terms of the access policy. The body of the request includes a unique signed identifier of your choosing, up to 64 characters in length, and the optional parameters of the access policy.

BlobSignedIdentifier identifier = new BlobSignedIdentifier
    Id = "stored access policy identifier",
    AccessPolicy = new BlobAccessPolicy
        ExpiresOn = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1),
        Permissions = "rw"

blobContainer.SetAccessPolicy(permissions: new BlobSignedIdentifier[] { identifier });
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