Operations on Azure Container Apps with Cloud CLI
This page lists some scripts useful for working with [[azure-container-apps]].
To use the CLI, you first have to install the extensions for running Container Apps commands:
az extension add --name containerapp --upgrade
Then you must register the command namespaces as providers:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.App
Create environment
az containerapp env create \
--name $myAppContEnv \
--resource-group $myRG \
--location $myLocation
Other commands related to Azure Container Apps Environment are
az containerapp env create
az containerapp env delete
az containerapp env list
az containerapp env list-usages
az containerapp env show
az containerapp env update
Create a Container App
You can deploy a container image to Azure Container Apps and place it within an environment:
By setting --ingress
to external
, you make the container app available to public requests
az containerapp create \
--name my-container-app \
--resource-group $myRG \
--environment $myAppContEnv \
--image mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/containerapps-helloworld:latest \
--target-port 80 \
--ingress 'external' \
--query properties.configuration.ingress.fqdn
This command returns the link to access the deployed app, like: "my-container-app.proudfield-2a5e03d1.westeurope.azurecontainerapps.io"
Create a container app and retrieve its fully qualified domain name.
az containerapp create
-n my-containerapp \
-g MyResourceGroup \
--image myregistry.azurecr.io/my-app:v1.0 \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
--ingress external \
--target-port 80 \
--registry-server myregistry.azurecr.io \
--registry-username myregistry \
--registry-password $REGISTRY_PASSWORD \
--query properties.configuration.ingress.fqdn
Create a container app with resource requirements and replica count limits.
az containerapp create \
-n my-containerapp \
-g MyResourceGroup \
--image nginx \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
--cpu 0.5 \
--memory 1.0Gi \
--min-replicas 4 \
--max-replicas 8
Create a container app with secrets and environment variables. Notice that we used secretref:
to reference a secret.
az containerapp create \
-n my-containerapp \
-g MyResourceGroup \
--image my-app:v1.0 \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
--secrets mysecret=secretvalue1 anothersecret="secret value 2" \
--env-vars GREETING="Hello, world" SECRETENV=secretref:anothersecret
Create a container app using a #YAML configuration. Example YAML configuration is here: https://aka.ms/azure-container-apps-yaml
az containerapp create \
-n my-containerapp \
-g MyResourceGroup \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
--yaml "path/to/yaml/file.yml"
Create a container app with an http scale rule
az containerapp create \
-n myapp \
-g mygroup \
--environment myenv \
--image nginx \
--scale-rule-name my-http-rule \
--scale-rule-http-concurrency 50
Create a container app with a custom scale rule
az containerapp create \
-n my-containerapp \
-g MyResourceGroup \
--image my-queue-processor \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
--min-replicas 4 \
--max-replicas 8 \
--scale-rule-name queue-based-autoscaling \
--scale-rule-type azure-queue \
--scale-rule-metadata "accountName=mystorageaccountname" \
"cloud=AzurePublicCloud" \
"queueLength": "5" "queueName": "foo" \
--scale-rule-auth "connection=my-connection-string-secret-name"
Create a container app with secrets and mounts them in a volume.
az containerapp create \
-n my-containerapp \
-g MyResourceGroup \
--image my-app:v1.0 \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
--secrets mysecret=secretvalue1 anothersecret="secret value 2" \
--secret-volume-mount "mnt/secrets"
Create a container apz hosted on a Connected Environment.
az containerapp create \
-n my-containerapp \
-g MyResourceGroup \
--image my-app:v1.0 \
--environment MyContainerappConnectedEnv \
--environment-type connected
Create a container app from a new GitHub Actions workflow in the provided GitHub repository
az containerapp create \
-n my-containerapp \
-g MyResourceGroup \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
--registry-server MyRegistryServer \
--registry-user MyRegistryUser \
--registry-pass MyRegistryPass \
--repo https://github.com/myAccount/myRepo
Create a Container App from the provided application source
az containerapp create \
-n my-containerapp \
-g MyResourceGroup \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
--registry-server MyRegistryServer \
--registry-user MyRegistryUser \
--registry-pass MyRegistryPass \
--source .
Update a Container App (using Revisions)
With the az containerapp update command you can modify environment variables, compute resources, scale parameters, and deploy a different image.
If your container app update includes revision-scope changes, a new revision is generated.
az containerapp update \
--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> \
--image <IMAGE_NAME>
You can list all revisions associated with your container app:
az containerapp update \
--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> \
--image <IMAGE_NAME>